Our Impact

Be Confident in Your Physical Operating Compliance When it Comes To:

  • People we impact - Zendelity

    The People

    The Operating Teams and Departments Command Center is designed to Support.

  • Procedures we impact - Zendelity

    The Procedures

    The Operating Procedures that are required to keep the lights on and doors open.

  • Policies we impact - Zendelity

    The Policies

    The Operating Policies that determine the procedures that the people must complete.

The People Command Center Impacts

Facilities / Operations Teams

Facilities / Operations Teams

Ensure that you have the people and resources in place to meet and exceed expectations of key stakeholders.

Environment, Health, & Safety (EHS) team

Environmental, Health, and Safety Teams

Ensure the individual departments responsible for maintaining standards are doing so as per the outlined workplan.

Emergency Management Team

Emergency Management Teams

Ensure that everything has been done to reduce the risk of an emergency and be prepared to quickly and accurately respond if there is one.

Risk / Policy Management Team

Risk / Policy Management Teams

Ensure safety and risk management policies are being executed according to plan to mitigate risk exposure.

The Operating Procedures Command Center Impacts

  • Slip and Fall Compliance

    Day-to-Day Compliance Routines

    Create and assign workplans based on the Day-to-Day safety & operating procedures that must be completed to reduce risk.

  • Inspections & Audits

    Inspections & Audits

    Build, schedule and assign detailed inspection workplans based on the requirements outlined by the regulators, insurance providers, brand standards, etc.

  • Operating Permits

    Operating Permits

    Create, assign, and associate operating permit plans based on permissions and the specific equipment associated with the permit request.

  • Emergency Response

    Emergency Response

    Create and assign workplans based on the emergency procedures required and how the individual teams will need to respond during an emergency.

  • Incident  Reporting

    Incident Reporting

    Customize workplans based on the different types of possible incidents and the specific information required per incident.

  • Asset  Management

    Asset Management

    Create workplans based on the specific maintenance and performance requirements associated with each individual type of asset, including, the analog assets.

The Operating Policies Command Center Impacts